Monday, August 20, 2012

Stylish CSS3 Ad Widget For Blogger Like SpiceUpyourBlog

This article deals with Stylish AD Widget with CSS3 effect. Who don't want make money with blogging but the sad fact that the chance of earning opportunity is getting harder gradually for huge quality blogs coming day by day. BuySellAds is dream of bloggers. Also difficult to get Ads from them after being approved. We are going to discuss to stylify BuySellAds Ad widget with cool CSS effect so that it makes all the advertisers think that this blog is well designed and enhanced and get cool advertisers.


  • Log in Blogger → Design Tab → Edit HTML

  • Now search for the following code using F3

  • ]]></b:skin>
  • Now paste the following CSS code above the code just mentioned above

  • Click Here For The Code

  • Now save the template

  • HTML Codes Of Ad Widget

  • After implementing CSS code you need to place Ad widget on your blog. You can place 125x125, 468x60, 728x90, 336x280,

  • Go Page Element → Add A Widget

  • 125x125 Ad Widget
    <div id="bsap_125" class="bsap_125 bsap">
    <a href="http://AddURL" class="ad1" title="Ad Title" id="bsa_1451626" target="_blank"> <img src = "http://Imageurl "alt =" CODE "height =" 125 "width =" 125 "/> </ a>
    <a href="http://AdURL" class="ad2 even" title="Ad Title" target="_blank"> <img src = "http://AdURL"alt =" AdName "height =" 125 "width =" 125 "/> </ a>
    <a href="http://AdURL" class="ad3" title="AdTitle" target="_blank"> <img src = "http://Ad Image URL "alt =" AdName "height =" 125 "width =" 125 "/> </ a>
    <a href="Ad URL" title="Advertise Here" class="adhere ad4" target="_blank"> Advertise Here </ a>
    </ Div>
    </ Center>
    468x60 Ad Widget
    <div id="bsap_468" class="bsap_468 bsap">
    <span class="bsap_468 bsap"> <a href="AdURL" title="Advertise Here" class="adhere ad4" target="_blank"> Advertise Here </ a> </ span>
    </ Div>
    728x90 Ad Widget
    <div id="bsap_728" class="bsap_728 bsap">
    <span class="bsap_728 bsap"> <a href="ADURL" title="Advertise Here" class="adhere ad1" target="_blank"> Advertise Here </ a> </ span>
    </ Div>
    336x280 Ad Widget
    <div id="bsap_336" class="bsap_336 bsap">
    <span class="bsap_336 bsap"> <a href="ADURL" title="Advertise Here" class="adhere ad1" target="_blank"> Advertise Here </ a> </ span>
    </ Div>

    Effect On Images
    < img src="ImageURL" alt="AD Name" <img height="125" width="125" />
    Now replace with your Advertiser URL and Advertiser Image URL You may customize CSS and HTML codes if you want to stylify Ad widget.

    Please comment here if any ask. Please take 5 seconds to share the writing with your friends if you like


    1. Great post man. You have got some great content and tutorials in your blog. Keep it up.
      My blog here :)
